About me

Thanks for visiting my web page.

My name is Horacio. I am vintage 1964 and live in Buenos Aires city just a 15-minutes´drive from downtown.
I got my first ham radio license in 1982 and have always been attracted to DX´ing and lately to Contesting.
I have fond memories of exciting communications with exotic places and friends from the days long before the Internet and that fascination still lies deep within me and I am as excited about it all today as I was at that time. Best of all, I have always liked meeting people from all around the world and having a nice QSO!
As a traveler, I often carry a VHF/UHF portable radio with me wherever I go, and I have met many hams around the world this way. However, my main interest is HF, I have transformed one of the rooms in my house into a great ham radio shack/office with lots of toys and a cozy atmosphere, and visiting Hams are always welcome to stop by for a cup of coffee or LU-Meeting dinner. For quite a long time I’ve been trying to make the “new generation” more involved in our hobby so if you like to share experiences do not hesitate to contact me.

Activities to support amateur radio:

LU4AA Radio Club Argentino (board member 1995 – 2000).
IARU R2 Liason for Argentina member society (1996 – 2000).
LU4AAO Radio Club QRM Belgrano (board member 2004).
Radio Club Ciraja (board member).
LU4BB Buenos Aires Radio Club (volunteer 2023 – today)
LU-Meeting (Coordinator 2001 – Today).

Active on: HF (6 / 10 / 12 / 15 / 17 / 20 /30 / 40 / 80 meters bands).
Modes: SSB / FM / RTTY / PSK / JT65 / FT8

D-Star DV mode monitoring D-STAR Reflectors: REF083B / REF001C / REF30C / REF75B
and Buenos Aires city D-Star repeaters:
LU8EUT B 434,925 + 5 Mhz (FM and D-Star)
LU3AOC B 434,950 + 5 Mhz (D-Star only)
LU3AOC C 147.345 (D-Star only)
LU5DA B 434,600 + 5 Mhz (FM and D-Star)

Horacio – LU1BJW
Email: horacio @ lu1bjw  net
QSL card info: please check qrz.com